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10 Car Insurance Dilemmas

Auto insurance on your mind? Not surprising. The choices and decisions about your car insurance can leave you confused and conflicted. In this article we will try to clarify some of these dilemmas.

1. Get Insurance Vs. Driving without insurance

You just bought your first car, no job, and have already borne the weight of its debt college. Insurance does not appear at the top of the priority list and wondering if you need to worry at all. After all, what is the worst thing that can happen? A lot of reality. If you get caught driving uninsured, you may get fined heavily, ask permission to stay and get your car impounded. And if you happen to get into an accident while driving uninsured are the world's problems. It is likely that you will be responsible for damage to themselves and the vehicle and must also pay for damages to the other party and the property itself, if you found an error. So this is really easy. Get a car insurance no matter what.

Second Vs coverage. Minimum liability

Now that we've convinced you to get car insurance, let us face the following dilemma. How? Although it may be tempting to just get the smallest coverage provided by the state, we suggest you get more. If your state requires only that you can get a certain amount of liability coverage, and that's all you buy, you will not receive support from your insurance company in case of theft, natural disasters, acts of God , accidents involving uninsured drivers, etc. We suggest that you get a collision, comprehensive protection against personal injury (PIP). Take care of collision damage to your vehicle in an accident with another party. Comprehensive covers theft, fire, flood, vandalism, falling objects at random on / Smash in your car, etc. PIP (Personal Injury Protection) will take care of medical bills, and sometimes lost wages resulting from the accident.

Third High-and low premiums and high deductible Vs Low premiums deductible

The answer is simple. Settle on the highest deductible you can afford. Keep a low deductible your insurance rates will be higher and vice versa-one, then increasing your deductible could potentially lead to large accumulated savings. But keep your deductible amount is on the side, the lock up and forget because if you get into an accident and make a claim, you must pay.

4. Policy compared to six months. Policy Year

Generally, people buy policies of 6 months, but you can also get 3 months and 12 months of policy. If you plan to keep insurance coverage for the entire year, it is best to go with a policy of 12 months. By purchasing a policy of 12 months, you have the security of knowing that your rate will not increase, and you will be provided for that period. If you were to get a policy for six months, you can see a premium increase at the end of this term and if you have made serious allegations, your insurance company decides not to renew. Not only can you benefit from the absence of stress, but your insurance company can also give you a discount for the purchase of their policy for a full year.

5. Parents joining political Vs. Independent policy

Young drivers tend to pay very high insurance rates, so many of them want to increase parents 'political'. However, this causes its own problems. Objection to you driving or violation is not only about his own record of insurance, but also to parents. There is no one answer to this problem; The best thing is to get an estimate for their parents 'business', and compare it with a free quote auto insurance discounts and other reputable suppliers.

6th vs. used cars. New car

When picking your first car, to get the best auto insurance rates, you need to find a balance. An old broken-down car is likely to require more repairs, maintenance, and is therefore more expensive to insure. But a shiny new sports car is more likely to be stolen and people who run them tend to accelerate, so your rates will probably be higher if you buy one of these. The best solution is to buy a car that has only worked for a year or two, are in perfect condition and has security features.

7th Payment in full VS. Payment by installments

Although auto insurance companies will usually give you the option of paying in installments, you should pay taxes in full, if you can afford. You can get discounts and even if you do this, you can save more money, the provider may charge in order to pay for luxury items.

8. Switching providers Vs. Staying with the same

Now this varies from person to person and the provider in the file. Some auto insurance companies offer discounts for loyalty as an incentive to stay, but others will give you a discount for the connection to them. Often stay with a company that entitles you to a good driver discount, a disappearing deductible, first accident forgiveness, etc. However, other companies will offer a lower budget, pure and simple. The only way to know if you need to keep or change is to get there and get insurance quotes online car as possible. Whatever decision you take, make sure the company ends up with a good reputation.

9th Filing a claim for damages Vs pay

The reason you pay the premiums so that you will be covered for damage caused to your car / person maintains in connection with an accident. But the unfortunate fact is that a claim may increase your premium. When you get into an accident, do the math and see what will be beneficial in the long term. Look at the amount of money, repair / replacement cost after your deductible is taken. If your car has suffered $ 1,000 damage and your deductible is $ 500, lodge a complaint, and having to deal with future increases in your premium may be useful to the compensation paid by your provider. But if your car is $ 30,000 in all, by any means, says the.

10. Be honest with the insurance company vs. Conveniently omitting details / Manufacturing

There are many cases where people are tempted to hide / make of the facts when it comes to insurance. Say you want to change the performance of heating. You know, to inform your insurance company may mean you get them / raise your rates. Or you're really a lack of liquidity, have to pay rent and easy way to make some money is to stage an accident / theft claim compensation from your supplier. Well we have something to say. Do not! If you are caught, the company will lose weight, your friendly neighborhood police visit you, you will receive fines / imprisonment and no car insurance company you contact with a barge pole after. And if a supplier has agreed to take you as a client, trust us when we say your insurance premiums will bring you to tears (and these are not tears of joy as we speak).

In addition, any company that there will probably not reliable, that are associated with those charged with insurance fraud, just to confirm that the integrity and standards are not high priority for them.

Auto insurance is a complicated, complex, which is unfortunate given that any person who drives a car has to deal with it. However, knowledge is power, and if you're armed with the right information, you can make decisions that benefit their sense of security and your wallet.

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